This site is dedicated to those who are proud of their hometown history and choose to see it preserved and protected for future generations here and throughout the world.
Our purpose is to promote, preserve, and perpetuate the historical heritage
and scientific assets associated with the facility known as The Buhl Planetarium
and Institute of Popular Science located at One Allegheny Square in an area known
as the North Side, located in the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Those who
are familiar with the facility will remember it as Buhl Planetarium, or The Buhl.
The Buhl Planetarium facility and its contents are the property of the City of Pittsburgh. The fact that the building is public property implies that each citizen of the region holds an ownership claim in The Buhl. Unfortunately, the public-at-large has been forgotten, or perhaps eliminated from the process of deciding the fate or the future of this World Class Facility. (The irreversible consequences of decisions made by the City of Pittsburgh, in the very near future, could quite possibly deprive the people of the Region and the World from a truly unique facility and experience.)
We at Save The value the importance of public involvement and public opinion in such matters. We have provided a vehicle (within this website) for those who wish to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns for perpetuating and preserving The Buhl Planetarium. Please do not let the opportunity to be heard slip away, for the cost of silence is great.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site.
With warmest regards, the staff at:
Save the
© 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004